What do Jezebel, Absalom, Delilah, Lust, Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Leviathan and the girl with the spirit of divination whom Apostle Paul encountered on the way to prayer, have in common? They were all Spiritual Assassins sent to kill, steal, destroy and disrupt the destiny of biblical characters. Spiritual Assassins are operating at an all time high and they are attacking believers more now than ever before. We understand that the devil shows up in person, but He also sends spirits which come to harass us and delay our destinies. He wants to destroy your life, family, children, marriage, business and ultimately your church.
In this book we will take an introspective look at the biblical stories which detail how the assassins attack from a spiritual, mental, emotional and psychological perspective.
Here’s what you will learn from Spiritual Assassins:
• Learn how identity and dethrone the spell operating through Jezebel to manipulate and control
you, before she gets you killed.
• Learn how to discern and destroy the spirit of offense and division working through Absalom,
before he steals your throne.
• Learn how to discern, unravel and dismantle the constricting spirit operating through Python,
before it causes you to loose money and strength.
• Learn how Sampson’s inability to identify and dethrone the spirit of seduction operating
through Delilah, which cost Sampson his life.
• Learn how the enemy used the unresolved anger of Moses to destroy his future and allowed him
to only see his promised land from a far.
• Learn how David’s uncontrolled lust and desire cost him his vision and destiny, in building a house
for God.
• Each chapter includes decrees, declarations and prayers.
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